Bringing Hotel Staff Into the Important Sustainability Conversation
Source: Hotel Executive
It is crucial that today’s hotel staff have a clear understanding about the importance of sustainability, not just in their own lives but also in the workplace, as their efforts ultimately help a hotel achieve its goals. Not only will these efforts help orient hotels toward increased revenue – energy efficiency can generate substantial cost savings over time – but also support the desires of the modern hotel guest, who is increasingly interested in eco-conscious lifestyles, as well as the environment.
However, each department serves its own unique function, and so steps towards connecting staff with sustainability must be somewhat tailored, which can prove challenging for larger hotel management. Luckily, there are simple steps that can be taken to begin the process of bringing hotel staff into the sustainability conversation and help them communicate the message far and wide. Ultimately, this will better support hotel operations and enhance the guest experience.
Historical Challenges with Sustainability
The relationship between hospitality and sustainability has historically been fraught with challenges, looking deeply at issues with significant energy consumption (around 20,910 GWh, enough to power 1.2 million homes ), food waste (hotels generate around 79,000 tons of food waste annually, nearly 10% of all commercial food waste ), and water waste (a single hotel room can actually use around 1,500 litres per room per day ). What’s more, according to the World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance , today’s hotels must reduce absolute carbon emissions by 66% by 2030 and by 90% by 2050, certainly not an easy feat.
With this, the role of hotel staff in communicating the importance of sustainability in their day-to-day tasks, as well as in client engagement (in the capacity that best reflects their roles), is a vital part of the larger hotel ecosystem and will be a major driver in bringing about change.
Interestingly, a survey that was conducted by the Deloitte Consumer Center in March 2023 indicated that 69% of employees globally want the companies they work for to invest in modes of sustainability, which includes a reduction in carbon and waste and the increasing use of renewable energy. Clearly, employees as a whole are truly hungry for companies to get involved in sustainability, and with this, there is no better time than now to get them engaged.
Tips for Introducing Sustainability to Staff
To get staff excited about sustainability, hotels should consider overarching activities that all departments can be a part of. This includes developing internal challenges, opportunities that make involvement fun. One way to do this is to award each staff member a point or points for sustainability-focused tasks they complete each month that support the hotel’s overall sustainability goals. The person with the most points at the end of the month is then crowned the winner and receives a prize. This approach would encourage staff members to learn and apply their knowledge, all the while driving the hotel towards positive change.
However, when looking at specific departments and their unique functions within a hotel, it’s important to dive a bit deeper to determine how sustainability best applies to their positions. Here are some helpful tips to get the conversation about sustainability going.
Room Division and Housekeeping Staff
The roles of room division and housekeeping are key components of hotel operations (such as room assignments and management, in-room maintenance, cleanliness and comfort). Their work ensures guests have a positive experience from the very beginning at check-in, throughout their stay, and at check-out, so their understanding of the power of sustainability is very important.
Tips: When engaging room division and housekeeping staff, encourage the re-use of towels and linens as much as possible, with subtle in-room signage that encourages the behavior (ideally to translate into those behaviors among guests). Provide staff with important education as to how their specific tasks contribute to the hotel’s overall sustainability goal so they can share that education with guests they encounter. Additionally, be considerably more strategic about room division to ensure maximization of operational efficiency, which will promote productivity among staff members.
Food and Beverages Staff
The food and beverage department within a hotel is instrumental in guest engagement as it is in charge of hotel menu development (in-room dining, in-hotel restaurants, buffets, etc.), food procurement, manages finances related to food and beverage purchasing, and preparation, among other responsibilities. With this, the department’s understanding of sustainability and how it’s incorporated into larger hotel operations is a must.
Tips: Food and beverages staff should take regular inventory assessments of food in stock to ensure there is no overstocking of raw materials, which could lead to substantial food waste. In instances where there is too much food in stock, staff should look to composting, distribute it to people in need/ local food banks, or create “chef’s daily suggestions” that will allow staff to push food items that need to be sold before expiration dates. If the budget allows, food and beverages management staff should consider investing in energy-efficient high-quality appliances as these will make a significant sustainability impact in the immediate, as well as substantially over time. Also, provide education about what food waste looks like in the specific hotel they work in and share ways to be more proactive – simple steps can make changes much easier to digest.
Engineering and Maintenance Staff
The engineering and maintenance staff within a hotel are perhaps the quietest yet potentially most powerful in moving a hotel towards sustainability as they are responsible for overseeing, maintaining, and repairing all equipment within the structure (including HVAC and electrical). With this, their understanding of sustainability and how they contribute is essential to the hotel’s success.
Tips: For those on staff who are responsible for decision-making, encourage them to seek energy-efficient heating and cooling options, like smart in-room thermostats (essentially Wi-Fi enabled devices that automatically adjust heating and cooling temperature settings for the most efficient performance). These kinds of changes are becoming more and more prevalent and would be quite impactful in the hospitality space. Make sure to be vigilant around the state of water management to stave off the potential for leaks (often caused by high water pressure or damaged seals around connections), which can lead to serious water waste. Also, begin coordinating with organizations (local or national) within sustainability to determine ways to improve the hotel structurally.
Spa, Wellness, and Leisure Staff
Spa, wellness, and leisure offerings within a hotel are hallmarks of luxury and serve as the ultimate opportunities to improve the guest experience. Needless to say, these can be very attractive to those looking to select a place to stay. And with consumers increasingly interested in sustainability, it’s more important than ever to find ways to be eco-conscious in these facilities.
Tips: To appeal to the desires of guests – as well as support the planet – encourage stocking these facilities with products that are notably eco-friendly, especially if the containers are plastic-free and made of compostable materials. Stocking with products that are locally made is also an excellent way to support sustainability, as well as the hotel’s community. Don’t forget to utilize energy-efficient lighting, invest in low-flow fixtures, and better manage temperatures in hot tubs. Pursuing even one of these will make a notable step in the right direction in pursuing hotel sustainability, especially when thinking about the hotel industry’s substantial energy consumption.
Reception and Concierge Staff
In the same manner as spa, wellness, and leisure, the reception and concierge department is an ideal outlet for sharing a hotel’s specific message of sustainability. After all, reception is responsible for being the initial point of contact for arriving guests, as well as the check-in/check-out process where interaction really begins. Concierge, on the other hand, focuses on providing personalized services and sharing details about local attractions and transportation which can be very helpful in maximizing a guest’s stay.
Tips: Ensure that reception and concierge staff understand the overall methods the hotel has taken to support sustainability so they can effectively communicate it to guests at check-in, as well as share information on how they can take steps during their stay to support sustainability (such as re-use of towels and linens and being more cognizant of water usage). Guests will ideally carry this information with them throughout their stay, and even keep it in mind when considering a future stay. Interaction between reception and concierge staff with guests also poses a great opportunity to discuss how they can navigate the local area sustainably, such as through shuttle services offered by the hotel and electric scooters.
A Conversation with Many Voices
Sustainability in a hotel cannot be achieved through the efforts of one entity; rather, it takes a concerted effort by all departments as each is fundamental to achieving hotel success. The sustainability conversation is one that should include the input of all parties, all voices, and by utilizing these various tips, hotel management will move in the right direction. In the end, a fully realized and understood goal around achieving sustainability will result in an improved customer experience, open doors for better staff efficiency, and deliver a tangible opportunity to help the environment.